Friday, August 22, 2014

Grant It Jesus

....Grant it Jesus is my plea....

I've been half jokingly singing this old hymn for the past two weeks.  With the significant increase in adoption costs due to the specific orphanage our twins hail from, we are in quite the financial predicament! We are still waiting to find out about the finances raised from friends and family at the Radiant Adoption Banquet, but the good news is, we picked up a check at Radiant Church today from the Fireworks booth sales!!!! The church very graciously picked up the taxes for us which allowed each family to receive $4,000.00 Hooray!!! Sure, it always feels great to have money, but it has never felt so good to deposit a check.  All the things I ever thought I needed or wanted money for absolutely pale in comparison.  Again, we are very grateful for the many friends who came out to help or purchase fireworks to bring our kids closer to home! We love you!!!

Thank you!!!!
 With the many recent successful fundraisers and the large amount still remaining, we are now hitting the adoption grants hard.  The timing is tricky though.  To apply for grants you have to wait until your Homestudy is complete.  Some of them want it submitted close to your departure date, but we can't move closer to our departure date unless we have the money :/  Many require a referral and picture to submit... I am hoping and believing that now is the perfect time for our family to submit.

So we are now up to our ears in grant applications.  This is no small task and although I can be quite ambitious, I knew I couldn't do it on my own.  Pretty much every grant is crazy intense.  There are several essay questions, personal info, detailed financial info, references, agency info, etc.  I am ambitious, but I am not stupid....and I am also not organized.

The amazing Dee and Zaphire!!! Can you see the halos?
So, I called a couple of dear friends who have "THE GIFT" (Cue heavenly angel's sounds).  They set me up to fly. It had taken me two months to complete ONE grant.  They came to help two weeks ago and since then I have submitted FIVE grants!!! I am so thankful for their help.  Still, my brain feels like it is turning into mush and I am just praying that we will actually be awarded grants!!! Hence the song stuck in my head "Grant it Jesus is my plea..."

We are applying for grants, matching grants, as well as an interest free loan.  We still have a hefty stack to work through.  So please join me in prayer that I would have the stamina to keep going and that our family would find favor with the many gracious organizations that we are applying to.

I have another prayer request, if you please.  As I have been eating drinking and breathing grant apps, and jokingly singing "grant it Jesus" I backed it up today and asked, "What are the actual lyrics to this old hymn?"

I am weak but thou art strong
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to thee.
Just a closer walk with thee
Grant it Jesus is my plea
Daily walking close to thee
Let it be, dear Lord. Let it be.

Man, I get tears just thinking about it.  He is truly who I want, and all that I need. This is my plea.  This is the true longing of my heart.  Not to have enough money to get the twins, not to have all my you know what together, and not to get enough beauty sleep, but to walk ever close to my Savior and dearest friend, Jesus. 

Thank you for taking the time to read....I pray this blessing for you as well <3

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