Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Tale Of Two Teens

Today our eldest turned 13. A teenager. What a significant milestone right?  Brent and I had been specifically praying several months prior to his birthday, that the Lord would "launch" him into this next season of life.  We've felt so amazed and happy to see the Lord bless, honor, encourage, and fill him in some pretty outstanding ways.  We are incredibly grateful.

Today I can't help but think of the fact that we have two teenage boys....one that we have seen and known from the moment he took his first breath (I can still see him turning towards my voice and seeing one little eye peer open and look up at me) and one that we have never met.  To one of them we gave a name, but aren't even sure if we're pronouncing the name of the other correctly.  We have changed diapers, wiped tears, laughed with, argued with, snuggled with, hurt for, cheered for, and read stories to one of them for thirteen years, but have not yet heard the sound of the others voice.

Today I am reminded that God may use one thing to launch one person into their destiny, and something completely different for another.  He may use one circumstance to extend his grace and make one strong, and something polar opposite for another.  He will use whatever we have to give, and whatever it is, even if it is brokenness and confusion,  He can make it beautiful and use it for His glory. I am reminded, as I cry over every fisher price commercial because I will never see the chubby cheeks, or toddling walks of three of my children, that God is not bound to our idea of the blessed life.  He is wise and sovereign.  He has not cheated one and blessed the other.  He makes all things beautiful in His time.  He gave His life for all. They have both been given life, and have been living it for thirteen years.  They are both boys.  They are both my sons.  They are both heading into a new and significant season of life.  They both have purpose.  They both have destiny.  Two lives, two stories, one Author and Perfecter.  I pray they will both choose Him.

Today I choose to throw all my hope on Christ, the solid rock.  I choose to rejoice in the fact that He is Redeemer.  He found me when I was lost and broken, and healed and transformed my life, and adopted me as His own.  He set my life on this course.  I choose to trust in Gods plans for these boy's lives, and to look with joyful expectancy at the future that God has for both of them.  Tell me, is there anything to hard for God? 

These brothers need to meet!

 *Side note here! Although I have not met him or heard his voice yet, I have seen his picture and I absolutely can not wait for the day I get to share that amazing face with you! Please keep praying for us that God will give us the grace to endure and that he will keep moving miraculously on their behalf.  I never would have imagined that we would be spending another Christmas without them. It is so hard, but we are trusting and continuing to ask and ask for their soon home coming!

"God, the one and only— I’ll wait as long as he says. Everything I hope for comes from him, so why not? He’s the solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul,  An impregnable castle: I’m set for life." Psalm 62 message